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海兔影院(www.haitum.cc)第一时间为您提供《天伦乐》的免费在线观看,天伦乐是由 迈克尔·柯蒂兹导演,William Powell,Irene Dunne,Elizabeth Taylor等领衔主演,本片(剧)上映于 1947,对白语言为 英语,属于 喜剧片 类型, 敬请知悉。最后,祝您观影愉快!以下为剧情简介:Clarence Day (William Powell), is a benevolent despot of his 1880s New York City household. His wife Vinnie (Irene Dunne), is the real head of the household. The anecdotal story, encompassing such details as Clarence (Jimmy Lydon), the eldest son's romance with pretty out-of-towner Mary (Elizabeth Taylor). Vinnie tries to get her headstrong husband baptized, else he'll never be able to enter the Kingdom of God.
更新时间:2022-12-18 11:04:09 / 热度:0°C